Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sanzôshi 6 - Six Hokku

A set of hokku from Akazôshi. Dohô lists them together as verses that Bashô revised. They're not autumn verses, but I post them in honor of the equinox and first day of autumn, as Bashô was a rather autumn/winter kind of person. 

banana tree in a storm —
a night of listening
to rain in a bucket

bashô nowaki tarai ni ame o kiku yo kana

see you later
I’ll be snow-viewing
until I’m rolling in it

izasaraba yukimi ni korobu tokoro made

wintry winds —
I am just like

kogarashi no mi wa Chikusai ni nitaru kana 

coming upon them, on a mountain road
how lovely!
wild violets

yamaji kite nani yara yukashi sumire gusa 

a family, all of them
with canes and white hair
visting the cemetery

ie wa mina tsue ni shiraga no haka mairi

Buddha’s birthday —
wrinkled hands pressed together
sound of rosary beads

Kanbutsu ya shiwade awasuru juzu no oto

Originally the “storm” verse had two excess morae, “nowaki shite (as it storms).” Originally the “snow-viewing” verse started with “iza yukan (so, let’s go).” “Wintry winds” originally had excess morae, “kyôku kogarashi (mad verse wintry winds).” “Wild violets” originally had “nan to naku nani yara yukashi (why, how lovely!).” “A family, all of them” originally had “ikka mina (the whole family).” “Buddha’s birthday” also originally sounded like “nehan e ya (nirvana painting);” did he revise it later? Surely there are others of this kind. All of them show our Teacher’s changes of heart, and should be appreciated.