Sunday, February 12, 2012

For Valentines Day: Vulgarity, Poverty, and Poetry

Here are some notes on the first chapter of Haikai to kanbungaku 俳諧と漢文学 (Haikai and kanbun [literature in Chinese written in Japan]), Wakan Comparative Literature Association, eds. 和漢比較文学会編, 1994. (和漢比較文学叢書第16巻). The chapter is called Haikai to kanshi 俳諧と漢詩 (Haikai and kanshi [poetry in Chinese written in Japan]), and is by Hino Tatsuo 日野龍夫.

The chapter starts with a proverb, 貧の盗みに恋の歌 "Poverty makes larceny; love makes poems"; That is to say, given enough desperation, even law-abiding people might steal; likewise, smitten by romance, the most unpoetic people can be inspired to versify. Having said that, though, Hino reminds us that classical uta (歌) don't include references to poverty; uta concern themselves with elegance--nature, love etc., not matters of everyday life.

On the other hand, the classical poetry of China is full of references to poverty. Hino cites Mei Yaochen 梅堯臣 as an example, of whom Ouyang Xiu 歐陽脩 wrote, "The poorer one is the more skillful one's poetry gets. Having said that, it is not skill in poetry that makes people poor. It is probably that having become poor, afterward one develops skill." Viewed in the light of the proverb, this tells us something about the essential natures of classical waka and of kanshi.

Hino gives us this part of a famous Mei Yaochen poem, "Looking Back in Sorrow" 懷悲 :

自爾歸我家, 未嘗厭貧窶。
夜縫每至子, 朝飯輒過午。
十日九食齏, 一日儻有脯。
東西十八年, 相與同甘苦。

When you came to my home, you never resented its poverty.
Always sewing until midnight, you ate breakfast after noontime
Nine days out of ten was pickles, one day we'd have dried meat.
East and west eighteen years, together we shared the sweet and the bitter.

(That's just the first half of the poem. The poor lady dies after putting up with all that.)

Hino points out that this kind of poem would never had been written by a waka poet. While poverty wasn't always a theme in Chinese poetry (not in Shi jing, anyway) it came to be included as one of the things you might write about, along with the rest of human experience, pretty much.

When Japanese haikai poets take up the theme of poverty, their stance on the matter is considerably different. Both of the following are by Buson:


by poverty
morning in autumn


moon-bright heaven
all across
the slum

The distance between haikai and kanshi is shorter than that between haikai and waka; the distance between kanshi and haikai is shorter than that between kanshi and waka, The practice of referring to poverty in haikai no doubt comes from kanshi.

蚊はつらく蚊遣いぶせきうき世哉 (几董)

mosquitoes are miserable
mosquito incense a nuisance
world of sorrows (Kitô)

paying for my excessive sins
my wife and child
bitten by mosquitoes (Tairo)

Hino cites another passage from Mei Yaochen as comparison:

From "Swarm of mosquitoes" 聚蚊


Aristocrats live in big houses;
their beds are surrounded by mosquito nets;
oh, in places like that,
you'd be prouder of your piercing mouths.
Is it not cruel of you to always torment the poor?
You have no pity on those already emaciated;
You vie with one another to see who has the sharpest bite,
Drinking blood you seek to fatten yourselves.

Generally speaking, though, there is a big difference, between the attitude towards poverty in classical Chinese poetry and that in haikai. Chinese poets tended to write about their own experience being poor, and the main point that they're expressing is resentment for being in that state. The typical scenario is a highly educated person who either repeatedly fails the official exam and thus can't get a good job; or someone who gets a bad job (one in a remote province) and can't keep it. This isn't the sort of thing you get in Japanese poetry. Japanese poetry that mentions poverty is far more likely to present it as a form of elegant austerity -- the minimalist existence of a recluse, rather than the sad squalor of a worthy person suffering unjust deprivation.

Hino cites a very interesting passage from Gion Nankai's 祇園南海 『詩学逢原}』that I'll paraphrase:

Not only painting, but the koto, chess, calligraphy, and painting also all emphasize elegance. If we talk about landscape painting, when you paint the houses of people in the mountains or fields, don't include outhouses, compost piles, or cooking pots; that is bad taste. If we talk about painting people, don't include their private parts; that's obscene. Depict elegance, don't depict vulgarity.
While a lot of this is similar to standards in old-style Chinese poetry, it is virtually indistinguishable from what you'd find listed as the expectations of waka. By contrast, there are plenty of poems in which haikai poets mention scatalogical topics.

Hino then cites this passage from the famous 20-verse series "Drinking Wine" by Tao Yuanming. This is from verse 16:


敝盧交悲風, 荒草沒前庭.
披褐守長夜, 晨雞不肯鳴.
孟公不在茲, 終以翳吾情.

A mournful wind blows through the ruined house,
Wild weeds fill the garden.
Wearing old clothes, I keep watch in the long night
When dawn comes, even the rooster disdains to crow.
Duke Meng is not here,
In the end I hide away my own feelings.

In this example from one of the Chinese poets most beloved in Japan, the speaker is poor, angry, and full of resentment.

To sum up Hino's points here, Chinese poems take on the subject of poverty; it is a "cultivated person's" 君子 own poverty expressed as a protest against an unfair government. Making such protests are the duty of a cultivated person. A cultivated person maintains his or her dignity despite reduced circumstances. Cultivated persons who were faced with hardship were supposed to complain.

In Japan, it's not that haikai poets didn't ever write about noble resentment. However, they were more interested in more subtle emotions: the pathos of the situation, rather than its injustice.